Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Ribeiro Frio - Balcões

Beginning in Ribeiro Frio, this little tour follows the Levada da Serra do Faial, giving access to the viewpoint of the Balcões.

 This little tour begins and ends in the regional road ER103 in Ribeiro Frio a total length of 3 km (split between 1.5 and 1.5 for one side to another side), with a duration of about 30-45 minutes (each way) . The course is made following the Levada da Ribeira do Faial which feeds the surrounding farmland and a hydraulic station.

 In this path we can see a great diversity of indigenous forest and some exotic species introduced too, so before performing the way it should be borne in mind the following species: Til Vinhático, Loureiro, Folhado, Uveira Serra, Urze vassouras, Urze Molar , Orquidea da Serra (which you can find two different colors), and may also find some wildlife species such as Tentilhão, Lavadeira, Melro Preto, Papinho, the Manta, the fiPombo Trocaz latter two are rarer species but can be spotted with some regularity.

 Upon arriving to the viewpoint will have a breathtaking view of the hydroelectric power plant Faja da Nogueira and will have a great view that in days open can see from the Porto da Cruz to Pico do Ariero.

  It should be some time in the gazebo because it is often flown by Mantas or Francelhos.

(FALCO Tinnunculus canariensis)

(Manta Buteo buteo buteo)

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