Wednesday, 24 July 2013

A green and healthy holiday

 Want to have a green and healthy  vacation, so here I leave the top 10 cities to visit by bike, a way to meet great cities, which kicked off the construction of bike paths to reduce the specific impacts of car usage and even public transport.

 In Portugal we have some cities that have been focusing on bike paths as a access to the cities, these bike lanes can be seen on the website  which gives us a good perspective of the cities that can meet this summer within our country using the bicycle as a primary means of transportation.

1.Amesterdão (Netherlands)
It is the main city in the world to ride. Every person riding a bicycle, and there is often congestion of two wheelers. An example for all cities.

2.Copenhaga (Denmark)
It is another of the most cited in regard to sustainable mobility. In Scandinavia, cycling is part of the local lifestyle, and there is no city that hit Copenhagen this sustainable lifestyle. More than 50% of the local community use the bike on a day-to-day.

3: Portland (United States)
It would not be unusual to see one American city on this list, but Portland can keep this ranking year after year. There are three famous B Portland beer (beer), and baristas bike (bicycle).

4.Paris (France)
Although not the first thing we remember when we think of bikes, the truth is that Paris has one of the bike sharing systems more impressive worldwide, Velib. And yes, cycling is part of Parisian culture.

5.are Francisco (United States)
The other American city this rank is known for sustainable mobility, since the electric buses. It is also one of the most beautiful cities of the United States.

6.Berlim (Germany)
In the German town, 13% of people riding every day. In some neighborhoods, this percentage rises to 25%. Is not Amsterdam or Copenhagen, but we are talking about different populations in terms of numbers.

7.Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
With 250 kilometers of bike paths, Rio de Janeiro is an ideal city for cycling - because congestion automobiles are a plague. Meanwhile, the good weather in Rio can be used to pedaling.

8.Barcelona (Spain)
Beach, mountain, metropolitan area ... and eclectic place to ride quietly. Barcelona is of the most comprehensive in the world, and bicycles are no exception.

9.Montreal (Canada)
The Canadian city has roads, streets and even separate tracks for bicycles. There are also close to 5,000 kilometers of bike paths, the call Route Verte.

10.Bogotá (Colombia)
CicloRuta The city is one of the most extensive in the world. How much of the population does not have access to cars, bicycles are an economical solution and welcomed by local citizens.

Rankings taken from:

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